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Detailed plans submitted for East Works site

Location of the currently vacant Rolls-Royce East Works site in north Bristol.

The delayed redevelopment of a currently vacant major industrial site on the corner of Gipsy Patch Lane and the A38 Gloucester Road could be moving closer after a ‘reserved matters’ planning application was submitted to South Gloucestershire Council.

The 26.5ha Rolls-Royce East Works site already has outline planning permission for a mixed use development comprising offices, light industry, general industry, storage and distribution, car dealerships and a hotel.

The purpose of the ‘reserved matters’ application is to finalise details that were left open in the original application.

Outline planning permission for the site was granted as long ago as 2009, but Rolls-Royce’s chosen development partner ProLogis pulled out of the deal in the same year, blaming the “adverse economic situation”.

Rolls-Royce subsequently demolished its former factory on the site and the land has since remained unused pending an upturn in the economy.

An application to extend the three-year time limit on the outline planning permission was granted in June 2012 and the current application has been made just weeks before that extension was due to expire.

According to a transport statement submitted with the application, there will be three access points into the development; two on Gipsy Patch Lane and one on the A38.

An outline planning application that includes up to 24ha of stand-alone employment use on land on the other side of the A38 (as part of the proposed Filton Airfield redevelopment) is currently under consideration by the council.

Image: Location of the East Works site (click to enlarge).

Related link: East Works Redevelopment (The Journal)

This article originally appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

UPDATE: Plans to develop the former Filton Airfield site were approved at a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s Development Control (West) Planning Committee on Thursday 4th June.

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  1. Having looked at these plans, it appears the only exits from the site are onto Gypsypatch lane, taking us back to the good old days when Rolls traffic did the same!!!!

  2. Sorry Lorraine

    but PTC have had the full presentation from the developer, the only way off the east works site for cars is onto Gypsy patch lane. there will be a new entrance ON to the site where the old number 1 gate was and a bus exit a bit further south but the only way off IS onto Gypsy Patch.

    If you are travelling north on the A38, you will have to drive past the site, do a U turn under the fly over and then enter the site where number 1 gate was.

    Large scale plans are available in the council office is you would like to check them out before committing back

  3. Beg your pardon Chris didn’t read it clearly yes it’s the other way round but this road is use to it so it will cope fine with it on think

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