The owners of the Abbey Wood Shopping Park have submitted a planning application for a Travelodge hotel and a Greggs drive-through on land close to the MoD Roundabout on the A4174 in Filton.
The proposed development site is a 0.4ha area of grassland located between the access road into the retail park and the A4174, just to the east of the existing McDonald’s restaurant.
The four-storey, 85-bed Travelodge and single-storey Greggs outlet would share a new 49-space car park, accessed from the existing road which leads into McDonald’s.
The applicant envisages that customers of the Greggs outlet will predominantly use the parking spaces in the day with the guests of the hotel using these during the evening and morning hours. Registered hotel guests will be also be allowed to use the main parking area at the shopping park as an overspill.
Referring to South Glos Council’s local plan, which calls for more ‘comparison’ retail space to be provided within the Stoke Gifford District Centre, the applicant claims this requirement is out of step with market demand, and says this has been “exacerbated by Covid-19”.
Justifying the need for another hotel in the area, the applicant says the forthcoming YTL Arena in Filton is expected create a “significant level of demand”.

The development would create 25 full-time-equivalent jobs.
Public consultation on the proposals has been open on the South Gloucestershire Council website (under reference P20/08495/F) since 21st May 2020.
This article originally appeared in the July/August 2020 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 31). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.
It’s well known that it can take an hour or more to exit the car park at peak times due to the mod, unless separate entrances /exits are set up it’s utter madness.
The traffic Is not not due to the MOD at peak times as they have two other exits . It is down to the fact that that junction is not controlled by lights and the sheer volume of people shopping in the retail park … it is very busy here at weekends also when there is no MOD traffic .